Crystal Medicine

Ammolite Shell - 7.99

Regular price $7.99

Natural Ammolite Shell Fossil from Madagascar

Size: 3.5 x 3 x 0.45 cm

Weight: 0.33 oz

Ammolite – Opalized Ammonite Shell: (Judy Hall) Activating metaphysical powers and inter-dimensional exploration, Ammolite is particularly effective when placed on the Soma chakra and Third Eye. Representing coming full circle and knowing a place for the first time, it has the Soul’s path encoded within it and is a useful support for rebirthing. Spiritually, this stone takes you deep into your center and into completion. Activating personal empowerment and the spiritual will, Ammolite converts negative energy into a gently flowing positive spiral. A powerful karmic cleanser, when placed on the Third Eye this stone releases mental obsessions and past-life soul imperatives. Psychologically, it stimulates survival instincts and the knowledge that you will get there if you persevere. Physically it is excellent for anything that needs structure and clarity, relieving birth trauma that interferes with the craniosacral flow, and is helpful in all craniosacral work. It is also an effective earth-healing stone. Feng Shui masters call Ammolite the Seven Color Prosperity Stone. They believe that it stimulates the flow of qi (or chi), life-force, through the body. According to them, this stone is exceedingly fortunate, and they suggest keeping one in your home to bring wealth, heath, vitality and happiness; and to promote beneficial business dealings. When worn, the stone is said to impart charisma and sensuous beauty to the wearer. Healing: helpful for overall well-being and longevity, cell metabolism, depression, labor pain, osteomyelitis, otitis and tinnitus; awakening kundalini energy and cellular memory; stabilizing the pulse and overcoming degenerative disorders. It supports the cranium and inner ear, lungs and limbs.

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