Crystal Medicine

Facetted Rose Quartz Crystal - 34.94

Regular price $34.94

Facetted Rose Quartz Crystal

Size: 2.5 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm

Weight: 0.23 oz

Rose Quartz: (Judy Hall) Rose Quartz is a stone of friendship.  It comforts grief, strengthens empathy, aids acceptance of necessary change and teaches self-love (vital if you feel unlovable).  Rose Quartz is excellent for relieving anxiety and is good aid for mid-life crisis.  It enhances positive affirmations, strengthens physical heart, and circulatory system.  It aids chest, lungs and thymus, alleviates vertigo, sooths burns, and improves complexion.

(Naisha Ahsian) Rose Quartz teaches the true essence of love.  It purifies and opens the heart to receive love and is effective in drawing love and relationships to you.  Rose Quartz is one of the best stones for treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia. Rose Quartz reminds us that the only lasting lesson is love – and that we have already learned it, and we need only open ourselves to its healing truth. Rose Quartz cools fiery energy, such as fear and anger and allows for the expression and cleansing of these emotions through the release of old emotional wounds; offers love of the Divine to support and assist one in opening to the abundance of love that exists around us; helps you focus on your own love of self in order to gather the inner strength you need to take the next step forward.  Affirmation: “I give Love, I live Love, I am Love.”

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