Crystal Medicine

Labradorite Pendant - 89.99

Regular price $89.99

Oval cabochon Labradorite Crystal in simple sterling silver bezel setting. The back is open.

Size: 4.7 (including bale) x 2.5 x 0.7 cm

Weight: 0.41 oz

Labradorite: (Karen Osborne) Labradorite is a type of feldspar Crystal named after the Labrador Peninsula of Canada, where it was first discovered. Its overall body tone ranges from light to dark grey but its unique laminar structure exhibits strong iridescence or inner flash, sometimes called Labradorescence. When viewed from different angles, Labradorite vividly flashes colors of the entire spectrum - bright aqua, teal, indigo, golden yellow, reddish orange, greens, browns - peacock colours, and even purple and pink. This makes Labradorite a master healer, able to activate, cleanse, nourish and balance any chakra in the human body.

The flashing off-planet qualities of Light carried in this mysterious stone flood the human aura, repairing one’s energy field and preventing energy leakage. Labradorite’s protective influences don’t stop here. Labradorite is like a magical cloak of protection that prevents others from reading your energy. It also prevents hooks, entity attachment and other types of energetic interference.

Labradorite is the great bringer of cosmic Light, bringing expansion, galactic connection and freedom from fear. Labradorite aids the experience of one’s multi-dimensional self, starseed origins and infinite nature, while at the same grounding one to the Earthly experience.

Labradorite has long been considered a mystical, magical stone that powerfully awakens the third eye, awakening one’s magical abilities and psychic power. A few of the psychic abilities it can stimulate are: intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, channeling, mediumship, lucid dreaming, clairaudience, and astral travel.

One of the things I love most about Labradorite is the way it teaches you to see yourself in a different way. On first glance, Labradorite often looks like a grey rock, but when you turn it, and look at it from different angles, you see its inner radiance and flashing colour. If you are willing to look at yourself from a different perspective, perhaps without judgment or defining beliefs, you will begin to experience your own beauty, Light and power. In this way, Labradorite sparks inspiration and enthusiasm for life. It is a wonderful stone self-discovery and can restore faith in the future.

Labradorite has long been treasured by shamans for its mystical and transformational qualities. It’s off-planet Light and colour assist exploration of higher vibrational states and realms. Labradorite aids meditation and journeying. It provides excellent protection during astral travel and keeps one tethered to the Earth and to the physical body. For the same reason, Labradorite is useful for working with the void and working with the elements.

Physically, Labradorite is said to be effective in relieving and treating disorders with the eyes and with improving one’s eyesight, especially night vision. It is also used to treat brain disorders, to improve memory and heal bone issues, musculature complaints, and wear and tear of one’s joints.

Wearing and/or sleeping with Labradorite can bring amazing changes to your life. It charges you with a sense of excitement and adventure to try new things and go places you have never been before. It increases synchronistic experiences and is said to bring good luck. Labradorite is also a stone of the ancestors and star nations. It brings wisdom, strength and harmony that helps to forge a clear pathway of communication with the higher self and understanding of one’s destiny.

Ultimately, Labradorite is a stone of spiritual awakening and accelerated ascension, that can help you tap into your own limitless potential.

(Karen Osborne, 2011) Known as the great bringer of cosmic light, Labradorite raises consciousness and connects with Universal energies. It is a stone of the Ancestors and the Star Nations; it is very much an extra-terrestrial stone that helps us to connect to higher dimensional beings. Labradorite floods the aura with a rainbow of iridescent colors, including off-world colors and colors we cannot perceive with ordinary vision. By doing so, it can provide protection, seal and repair fissures in the human aura. Labradorite also mitigates the effects of people, places and situations that may have a draining effect. The flashing array of colors also works to foil attempts made by others to ‘read’ information in our auras. The inner rainbows of this stone are not always immediately visible. They can be ‘hidden.’ We have to turn the stone to see them, looking deeper and from different angles and perspectives until the inner luminescence is revealed. Labradorite reminds us that we need to look deeper and from different perspectives to discover our own inner rainbows that may yet be unknown to us. Labradorite helps us remember our infinite nature and cosmic origins. It is a stone of self-discovery and awakening to one’s own inner magic. It encourages belief in self and trust in one’s own abilities. Labradorite also has a long tradition of use as a shamanic stone. It is a great ally to the shamanic journeying and regression. It can help you to process and recall the experiences of the dreamtime and other realms. Ultimately Labradorite is a stone of Ascension, bringing energies of transformation and evolution. It creates alignment with life-purpose and attracts synchronistic experience into one’s life. It brings the ah ha’s into mundane experience and allows us to feel the groove. It opens the flow that allows for manifestation of the highest good.

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