Yellow Carnelian Tumbled - 0.99
Crystal Medicine

Yellow Carnelian Tumbled - 0.99

Regular price $0.99

Small tumbled Yellow Carnelian stones - mostly amber and brown; some have yellow and whitle banding

Average Size: 1 x 1 x 0.5 cm

Average Weight: 0.06 oz

Key Words: Vitality, Life Force, Creativity, Sexuality, Assertive Will, Passion, Willingness to Take Risks, Fortification of the Physical Body, Stimulation, Action Toward Dreams, Fire Element

Carnelian: (Robert Simmons) Carnelian activates the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force energy, sexual and creative energies and assertive will; it is a powerful aid to those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within themselves; it is great help to gentle souls who wish for good things but have difficulty making them happen; good for those who tend to work from the heart chakra up and ignore the ‘untidy’ realms of physical existence associated with the lower chakras which can make one ineffectual and passive in one’s life; without the vitality of the physical energies, one can neither enjoy life nor have much power over it; carrying or wearing carnelian can aid in awakening the vital energies of the lower chakras, increasing zest for living and the willingness to take risks inherent in all strong actions

(Naisha Ahsian) Carnelian is a powerful ally to call upon when one has to take major action; it lens courage to take the leap and dedicate one’s self to a new path; it can help those who procrastinate or are unable to decide upon a course of action; when used in meditation, it can help one understand how to bring a concept into being; the saying “God helps those who help themselves’ is describes the energy of carnelian beautifully as it helps stimulate one to action toward their goals; strengthens and fortifies the physical body, focusing one’s attention on the ‘spiritual house’, reminding us that we can strengthen our connection to the Divine by strengthening the physical structure that supports our Spirit; Fire element; sacral chakra; stone of creativity grounds/ anchors into present reality; restores vitality/ motivation; stimulates self trust; aids concentration; protects against envy, rage and resentment (yours and other people’s); calms anger; banishes emotional negativity; restores love of life; stimulates metabolism; activates base and sacral chakra, reproductive organs; heals lower back problems; rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression; regulates body fluids; improves vitamin and mineral absorption; invigorates mind and body; stone of action and movement toward our goals and dreams – taking action on the guidance and inspiration we have received; helps us co-create with the Divine; reminds us of the value of our physical strength; helps us not to fear action because of the possibility of failure.  Affirmation: “I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I take action with confidence and power.”

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