Vessuviante or Idocrase Natural - 2.99
Crystal Medicine

Vessuviante or Idocrase Natural - 2.99

Regular price $2.99

Beautiful natural Vessuvianite or Idocrase Crystal clusters from Quebec

Average Size: 2.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm

Average Weight: 0.04 oz

Vesuvianite or Idocrase: (Robert Simmons): uniting the heart and the will; provides courage to change; releases negative attachments and limiting beliefs; is described as the solution between the ego and the Self to bring integrated wholeness; useful for the manifestation of the heart’s desires here on Earth; is supportive of taking one’s true path or calling in life; aids one in finding the courage to make changes in jobs, relationships, habit patterns, thoughts and emotions in order to fully realize the heart’s true yearnings; those who are making life changes in order to head this call are advised to carry or meditate with Vesuvianite in order to proceed with the inner resolve to actually make changes; if one feels unsure of one’s hearts desires it can make one more aware; useful for combating negative thoughts and bringing enthusiasm back into one’s life; helps one achieve the insights to inspire moving forward in one’s Spiritual development; assists releasing unconscious fears and limiting beliefs; helps one to develop assertiveness and aids the timid in overcoming fear of confrontation; can catalyze the opening of the unconscious so one can see which old memories or wounds  are holding one back and allows for release of those patterns; helps anyone going through healing and transformational work; it’s ability to bring hidden material to consciousness an its enhancement of courage make it a powerful ally

(Naisha Ahsian) aligns one’s thoughts with one’s physical reality and is especially valuable to those who ignore the body in favor of developing the upper chakras and one’s Spiritual and mental bodies; helps integrate spiritual ideas and principles into one’s daily life and aids in identifying and acting upon one’s path of service; helps one align with one’s truth; physically it is a stone of support; it can be used to strengthen the legs and feet, to counter spider veins, and to enhance the integrity and strength of all types of tissues in the body.  Affirmation: “I surrender my will to the urgings of my heart, and I willingly transform my life, aligning the actions I take with the truth that I know.”

(Judy Hall) strengthens link to higher self; releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint; helpful for healing past-lives of imprisonment, extreme danger, or of mental or emotional restraint; helps timid people face confrontation; gently dissolves anger; alleviates fear, creating inner security; opens the mind and clears negative thought patterns; stimulates inventiveness, urge to discover, creativity; stone of support strengthens tooth enamel; counters spider and varicose veins; restores sense of smell; assists assimilation of nutrients; banishes depression

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