Crystal News

Moldavite ~ The Stone of Transformation

Ascended Masters Cosmic Cosmic Energy Crystal Medicine Discovery Extra-Terrestrials High Vibration Holy Grail of Stones Inspiration Kundalini Life Purpose Meteorite Moldavite Psychic Awareness Psychic Gifts Spiritual Cleansing Spiritual Development Tektite Third Eye Opening Transformation

Moldavite ~ The Stone of Transformation

Moldavite ~ the Stone of TransformationYou may not have heard about the little green stone that fell to Earth. Yes, it fell from the sky and has gained quite the reputation ever since. Moldavite is unrivalled as the ultimate stone of transformation and even hailed as the Holy Grail of the Crystal Kingdom!I decided to share some of Moldavite’s story here because I feel Moldavite medicine may be just what we need right now to unlock the power of our soul - to move courageously forward into new territory and to connect again, with conscious awareness, to the plan we...

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Receving with Moonstone

Receving with Moonstone

St. Francis of Assisi, said that it is in giving that we receive. If you ask most people, they will tell you they find it much easier to give than to receive.  Why is this?  When we were children we loved to receive.  We were open to compliments, presents and affection.  At some point along the way, whether consciously or unconsciously, we actually decide to limit incoming energy from other people. We do so to avoid feeling pain.  The hurtful experiences of the past make it challenging for us to receive love in any form.  We shrug away compliments.  We...

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Crystal of the Month: Unakite

Crystal Healing Crystals Ottawa Crystals Unakite

Crystal of the Month: Unakite

Time to Come Together with Unakite   Unakite is considered one of the supreme stones of the heart. Its energetic signature is one of Unity, Harmony, Co-operation and Peaceful Co-Existence. This makes it a perfect stone to hail in, and work effectively with, the energies of spring and the Chinese Astrological Year of the Wooden Sheep. Unakite is considered one of the supreme stones of the heart. Its energetic signature is one of Unity, Harmony, Co-operation and Peaceful Co-Existence. This makes it a perfect stone to hail in, and work effectively with, the energies of spring and the Chinese Astrological...

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