Crystal Medicine

Picture Jasper Onyx Pendant - now 4.99!

Sale price $4.99 Regular price $14.99

Oval and round flat shaped Black Onyx with Picture Jasper inlay - drilled to add bale or wear with cord

Size: 4.3 x 3.4 x 0.5 cm

Weight: 0.51 oz

Picture Jasper:  (Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons) Inner Journeying to Sacred Sites and Ancient Civilizations; Connecting with Earth Consciousness; structure contains hidden pictures of the past; a stone of proportion and harmony; stimulates creative visualization; stimulates brotherhood of man to work together to heal the planet; promotes perfect accord between humanity and nature; promotes understanding of advanced ancient civilizations; insight into methodology for restoring the planet; allows one to tune in to power spots through the Earth’s electromagnetic field and energy systems; can help one resonate with the energy of distant places and times through the Earth’s record-keeping system; helps one emotionally reconnect to the energy of the planet and to the ancient knowledge of living in balance that is so necessary at this time; supports bone growth and healing; stimulates third eye; helps to bring hidden thoughts, grief, fears, and hopes to the surface so that one can face cause of disorders; balances immune system; helps disorders of skin and kidneys.  Affirmation: “I am one with the energy, history, substance and future of the Earth.  I travel through inner space and time to discover sacred knowledge, and I use the fruits of my journeys for the highest good of all.

Onyx: Onyx is a stone of inner strength; grounding stone that provides support in times of enormous physical or mental stress; enhances endurance and persistence; helps align and access higher power; promotes vigour and stamina; aids learning lessons; imparts self-confidence; heals old grief; heals physical trauma from past life affecting present; anchors the flighty; alleviates overwhelming fears and worries; brings gift of wise decisions; brings energy of self-mastery; calms nervousness; grounding; boosts memory and attention to detail, making it a good stone for teachers, students, business owners, accountants, computer technicians and anyone whose work calls for high levels of focus, perseverance and discipline; balances yin and yang; beneficial for teeth, bones, blood disorders and the feet.

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