Crystal Medicine

Green Fluorite Natural - 44.00 reduced to 39.99

Sale price $39.99 Regular price $44.00

Large natural light green coloured Fluorite Crystal from China

Size: 7.4 x 5.8 x 3.5 cm

Weight: 7.42 oz

Green Fluorite: (Judy Hall) grounds excess energy; dissipates emotional trauma; clears infections; absorbs negative energies from the environment; raises information from subconscious; accesses intuition; cleanses aura, charkas and mind; dissipates obsolete conditioning; relieves stomach disorders and intestinal cramps

(Robert Simmons) Green Fluorite can cleanse and heal the heart chakra and can help make certain that the plans of the mind are approved by the heart.

(Naisha Ahsian) Pink and Green Fluorite harmonizes the heart with the mind, ensuring that one’s thoughts, words and actions are aligned with heart energy.

(Unkown) Metaphysical Properties-Green Fluorite is about healing on all levels.  I feel that this stone allows us to mentally grasp our heart-based issues and then begin to heal them.  Green is the color of growth and healing.  Use this stone as a bridge to allow personal growth to happen in your life.  It is very calming, but at the same time it gives us the courage needed to expand our ideas and awareness.  This is a very important stone to have in your healing kit, I highly recommend it, very high vibration. Numerology - Green Fluorite vibrates to the number 2.  Partnerships and cooperation are the keywords.

Fluorite is an emotionally stabilizing stone that promotes mental and spiritual discipline and self-control.  It draws off negative energy and stress of all kinds and protects from inharmonious EMF.  Fluorite restores order, overcomes disorganization and assists balance and coordination. It provides psychic protection and gently brings the subconscious to surface for resolution.  Fluorite is an excellent aid to focus, learning, memory and clear thinking. It is a stone of walking your talk and will help one make necessary change in habits, thoughts and lifestyle.  It regenerates skin and mucous membranes and rekindles sexual libido.  Fluorite comes in all colours.  Each colour has a different specialization and chakra association.

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