Crystal Medicine

K2 Stone Pendant - 99.99

Regular price $99.99


Size:  cm

Weight:  oz

K2 Stone: K2 Stone is a high altitude stone that brings higher awareness.  It is a relatively new discovery found in the foothills of K2, the second highest mountain on Earth.  K2 is part of the Karakoram mountain range, which borders Pakistan and China.  K2 Stone is characterized by ‘dots’ of Azurite in a light grey, mottled black Granite matrix.  It is a rare and unique stone said to assist one in reaching peaks of consciousness while grounding the higher consciousness into third dimensional reality.  The frequency of K2 connects to the third eye chakra, opening one’s consciousness and assisting one to see the bigger picture of one’s life experiences.  It helps one to gain clarity regarding what is in alignment or ‘right’ for oneself.  It assists finding answers regarding life issues by aiding development of intuition and connection with the ‘all knowing’ part of one’s being.  K2 opens channels of communication with higher beings.  The Granite acts to ground the higher energies so that they can manifest in the third dimension. K2 will help you access your truth so you can follow your highest destiny.