Orange Calcite Purple Fluorite - 9.97
Natural Orange Calcite with Purple Fluorite Crystals from Quebec, Canada
Size: 9.1 x 4 x 3.3 cm
Weight: 5.62 oz
Orange Calcite: creativity; playfulness; sexuality; confidence; innovation; stone of spontaneity and awakening of the inner child; a highly energizing and cleansing stone, especially for the lower charkas; balances the emotions; removes fear; overcomes depression; dissolves problems and maximizes potential; heals the reproductive system, gallbladder and intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, IBS; removes mucous from the system; brings solar energy into one’s vibrational field and physical body; aligns one’s thoughts with one’s will assisting taking action toward one’s goals; helps alleviate shyness and social phobias; helps overcome depression, lethargy or hopelessness; supports endocrine system and hormones. Do not cleanse in water. Affirmation: “I vividly enjoy all dimensions of myself and my life and take pleasure in creating more.”
Purple Fluorite: third-eye stone, bringing rationality to intuition and assisting precise communication of what is received; brings orderly connection and conscious association to both psychic and spiritual growth; assists disorders with bone marrow; balances body, bone and cellular structures; excellent stone for preparation of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies for healing; psychic protection; protects from harmful thoughts, including one’s own negative self-talk
(Robert Simmons) is ideal for purification and access of the mind to the domains of Spirit.
(Naisha Ahsian) Purple Fluorite enhances mental faculties.
(Unknown) Metaphysical Properties- Aids ability to meditate, increases psychic development, brings spiritual peace and wholeness. As we develop spiritually, we come to a place in our journey where we need to make a commitment; Fluorite will help you to decide if you are indeed ready to make this important commitment. For some, purple fluorite will help them to begin channeling information that is crucial to further their spiritual development. This stone is more than a ‘mental’ stone, it also radiates energy throughout the light body system. Physically, purple fluorite is helpful in promoting a state of health for the skin, bones and muscular system.
Numerology- Purple Fluorite vibrates to the master number 77. The master number 77 is about non-restriction and wholeness on all levels.