Natural Copper Trees - 6.49
Natural Copper tree formations from Cap d'Or, Nova Scotia, Canada
Average Size: 2 x 1 x 0.2 cm
Average Weight: 0.01 oz
Copper: (Melody) combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and non-acceptance of oneself; can stimulate initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence; awakens need to seek and release all restrictions within the self; frees orthodoxy and bias; excellent for policy making; brings luck; good for blood and cellular structures, circulation, metabolic stimulation; cleanses wounds, treats bacterial infection, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism; helps clear heavy metal toxicity
(Karen Osborne) powerfully moves electrical energy in the body; is excellent for any system that is slow or experiencing stagnation of any kind. Remember that you generate an electromagnetic field. Copper can activate the electrical half of that system. Copper is very Yang in nature; it is very stimulating to all systems. It helps one to be assertive in a balanced, healthy way. Copper overcomes sluggish and stagnating energies and motivates one to be productive and get going!